
Sovelluksen kuvaus (in Finnish)


Skannaa viivakoodi Suomesta ostetusta juomapakkauksesta ja tarkista saako siitä panttia. Tiesitkö, että kaikissa Suomessa myytävissä pantillisissa juomapakkauksissa ei ole Palpan panttimerkintää. Esim. monista Alkon myymistä pulloista puuttuu panttimerkintä, mutta niistä saattaa silti saada pantin. Tämän sovelluksen avulla pystyt helposti skannaamaan viivakoodin Suomesta ostetusta pullosta tai tölkistä tarkistaaksesi saako siitä panttia. Sovelluksen avulla voit myös helposti tarkistaa esimerkiksi ruttaantuneen tölkin viivakoodin lukukelpoisuuden ennen tölkin viemistä palautusautomaatille.

Pantin tarkistus toimii vain Suomesta ostetuille juomapakkauksille, jotka on rekisteröity Palpan palautusjärjestelmään: eli Suomesta ostettuja Lidlin juomapakkauksia sovellus ei tunnista vaikka niistä voikin saada pantin Lidlissä, koska Lidl ei ole rekisteröitynyt Palpaan.

Sovellus hakee tiedot Palpan sivuilta. Sovellus on yksityinen projekti, ei siis Palpan kehittämä.

Application description

Scan barcode from Finnish beverage package to check if you get deposit or not in Finland. Did you know that not all beverage packages sold in Finland have the deposit mark. For example, many bottles bought from the Finnish Alko stores are lacking the deposit mark but you might still get deposit for those bottles also. With the application, you can easily scan barcode from a bottle or a can to check if you get deposit or not in Finland. You can also use the application to check if the barcode in a crumpled can is still readable before taking the can to the recycling machine.

Deposit check works only on beverage packages which are bought from Finland and are registered to Finnish Palpa deposit system: so deposit check does not work with beverage packages bought from Lidl stores in Finland even though you might get a deposit from those beverage packages. This restriction applies because Lidl is not registered to Palpa.

Application fetches deposit information from Palpa website. This application is a private project, it is not developed by Palpa.

Supported barcode types

As defined by Palpa beverage package design instructions, all beverage packages in Finland should have barcode one of these types: EAN-13, EAN-8, UPC-A or UPC-E, thus application is limited to scan only these types of barcodes.

Supported languages

You can use the application in following languages:


Main views

Main screen of the application Recent scans list Scanning barcode from a plastic bottle When a plastic bottle has deposit When a plastic bottle has no deposit

Support views

Settings Application info Application help


Main target platform is Android. The latest stable version of this application can be downloaded to an Android phone from the application website in Google Play Store.

Get it on Google Play

In addition to Google Play store release, you can use Expo app release with Android but Play Store version is preferred.

This application will not be released in Apple Store because it is too expensive. In addition, due to limitations made by Apple, you can not use Expo app release with iOS. So sorry, no easy way to run this application in iOS, thanks to Apple. If you want to use this application with iOS, you have to build the application yourself by checking out the code and then run it with Expo client, for example. Or try out Palpa’s official app on iOS if it works.



Logo uses creative common licenced images from the Noun project: